
Your Guide to Installing House Numbers

walterworks hardware installing house numbers

Learn more about installing house numbers and which designs are best for your home.

House numbers are a subtle and stylish way to highlight your address on the exterior of your home. They can help pull your design together and make a positive impression on your visitors. Plus, in a practical sense, installing bold and noticeable house numbers ensures that your guests and emergency responders can easily find your home. At WalterWorks Hardware, our customers can find their new house numbers ideally suited to match their homes. No matter your reason for installing new house numbers, remember the following tips for selecting your most effective designs. 

Create Contrast

One of the most important factors to consider when installing house numbers is the contrast between the numbers and the surface they will be on. For example, install darker numbers on a light-colored house or vice versa. Before selecting your new house numbers, know where you plan to install them, and make sure the colors provide contrast so the numbers stand out. 

Make Sure The Numbers Are Big Enough 

The size of your house numbers is also essential for ensuring visibility. Consider the placement of your numbers and how far they will be from the street. If you want to place your numbers alongside your front door, consider how far away your entrance is from the road. The following guide can help you select the best size for your numbers: 

  • 50 feet or less away from the street: 4 inches or larger
  • 100 feet away: 6 inches or larger
  • 150 feet away: 8 inches or larger
  • 200 feet away: 12 inches or larger
  • 300 feet away: 15 inches or larger

You can also install house numbers on your front gate or mailbox if that will be closer and more visible to the street. 

You also want to consider kerning or the space in between each number. You want to properly space out each number so they don’t look too crowded or become hard to decipher.

Keep Your Style Cohesive

You can significantly boost your exterior design and curb appeal by installing house numbers that match your exterior trim and fixtures like window frames, hardware, or lighting. These details tell others that you thought carefully about your home design and care about the impression your home makes. 

Popular Styles 

Homeowners are installing house numbers that fall into one of the following categories. The styles are highly appealing and able to match many home designs. 

Modern and Minimalist 

This style keeps things simple. It works best with metallic finishes and classic colors like black and white. The fonts are sans serif, without extra strokes at each number’s end. 

Rustic and Modern Farmhouse

Creating contrast is essential for rustic homes. Most rustic styles also incorporate wood elements so that you may install your new numbers on stained wood backing. 

Traditional and County Cottage

County cottage-style homes have a cozy feel and often use serif fonts for a classic appearance. Avoid anything too contemporary or trendy. 


The retro style has lots of warmth and flair, with sans serif numbers with emphasized roundness. Black or dark bronze looks great on a lighter exterior, while brushed aluminum or matte brass can suit darker exteriors. 

Choose Your Home Hardware From WalterWorks

No matter what type of home hardware and decorative touches you choose, WalterWorks Hardware has the expertise and supplies you need. Residents throughout Maryland, Washington, D.C., and the northern Virginia area love us for our fantastic hardware and unbeatable knowledge. For more information, please call us at (410) 263-9711 or contact us online. For more tips on choosing hardware for your home, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Houzz, and Pinterest.

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